Embajada de Australia

List of guarantors

In Chile or Ecuador, non-Australian citizens (identifiers) in any of the following occupation groups can be a guarantor and complete the proof of identity for passport applications:


  • Accountants
  • Bank Managers except Managers of bank travel centres
  • Barristers, Solicitors and Patent Attorneys
  • Dentists
  • Registered Medical Practitioners
  • Judges
  • Marriage Celebrants
  • Pharmacists
  • Police Officers with at least five years continuous service
  • Teachers-full time who have been teaching for more than five years at schools or tertiary institutions
  • Registered Veterinary Surgeons
  • Registered Nurses
IMPORTANT: Please, keep in mind that the Embassy will contact the Guarantor/Identifier to confirm his/her declaration. Also, read the instructions carefully, no alterations are allowed on this form.

IMPORTANTE: Por favor, tenga presente que la Embajada se contactará con el testigo para confirmar su declaración. Además, lea cuidadosamente las instrucciones, debido que, no se permiten correcciones en este formulario.