Embassy of Australia

Fees and payment

Passport Fees

As at January 2024

All services are to be paid with credit card via GliderPay and will be charged in AUD only. Other forms of payment will not be accepted (i.e. cash or checks).

Note: On 1 July 2024 the fees for passport services will change. For the new table, see the bottom of this page.

To use GliderPay, the person requesting the service needs to complete DFAT Credit Card Deduction Authority to able to process international payments.


Australian Dollars (AUD)

Australian Dollars (AUD)

Adult - 10 years passport
(>16 years)

AUD $346 AUD $346

Child - 5 years passport
(<16 years)

AUD $175 AUD $175
Senior - 5 years passport
(> 75 años)**
AUD $175 AUD $175

Emergency Passport


AUD $217 AUD $217

Replacement Passport


AUD $217 AUD $217



AUD $15

AUD $100

Additional Fees


Australian Dollars (AUD)

Australian Dollars (AUD)

Overseas Surchage - Adult applicants (>16 años)

AUD $155

AUD $155

Overseas Surcharge - Child applicants (<16 años)

AUD $76

AUD $76



Other Travel Documents and Services 


Dólares australianos (AUD)

Dólares australianos (AUD)

Document of Identity                                  

AUD $91

AUD $91

Certificate of Identity

AUD $217

AUD $217

About the passport fees

* If you’re 75 or over, you can opt for a five-year passport.

The application fee is non-refundable if travel document is not issued.

Fees include an Overseas Surcharge fee.


Notarial Service Fee

As at January 2023

All services are to be paid with credit card via GliderPay and will be charged in AUD only. Other forms of payment will not be accepted (i.e. cash or checks).

To use GliderPay, the person requesting the service needs to complete DFAT Credit Card Deduction Authority to able to process international payments.


Australian Dollars (AUD)

Australian Dollars (AUD)

Administering Oath or Declaration

AUD $85

AUD $85


AUD $98

AUD $98


AUD $98

AUD $98

Certificate of no impediment to Marriage

AUD $171

AUD $171

Certify a copy of a document

AUD $85

AUD $85

Effecting service of a document

AUD $85

AUD $85

Prepare declaration/document

AUD $85

AUD $85

Sign and/or affix seal to document

AUD $85

AUD $85

Transferring funds through official account

AUD $85

AUD $85

Transmit document via official channels

AUD $85

AUD $85

Witnessing execution of a will

AUD $85

AUD $85

Witnessing signature and/or seal

AUD $85

AUD $85



Fees from 1 July 2024 onwards






Chile & Ecuador

Adult - 10 years passport (>16 years)

AUD $398

Child - 5 years passport (<16 years)

AUD $201

Senior - 5 years passport (> 75 years)**

AUD $201

Emergency Passport

AUD $250

Replacement Passport

AUD $250


AUD $15 and $100



Other travel documents and services


Chile & Ecuador

Certificate of Identity

AUD $250

Document of Identity

AUD $105


Overseas surcharges


Chile & Ecuador

Adult and Senior

AUD $178


AUD $87